Monday, January 30, 2012

Back to basics!

Fizz and I have had a month of from much formal training, or even, regular training.   Quick 5 minute sessions here and there in the house, but not on a regularly scheduled basis.   Today is the beginning of getting back to regular training, and also to working through Susan Garrett's Recallers a second time with several of the other students in the program.

Just a quick video today, to show you where Fizz is at in her training.   She has sit on a verbal cue, and generally resistant to distraction.   Down is on hand signal, and slowly starting to be on verbal only.  Down is resistant to mild on the floor, toys nearby.......but not to a favorite toy being thrown, or to other dogs (yet).   Stand is on hand signal, and we are just starting to work building duration, and Its Yer Choice with distractions.

Fizz is currently 4.5mos, and in the middle of teething.  :)

1 comment:

  1. What a smart girlie. fun to go back and watch the old videos and see how much she has GROWN :)
