Saturday, June 30, 2012

Know the rules

We failed.  Again.   And the greatest failure/frustration is mine, in that apparently, I'm completely unaware of the standards for the CGC these days.    One tight leash anywhere = fail.   I was unaware that the CGC holds higher standards than either Rally or Novice obedience.   I owe Fizz an apology for misunderstanding the test, and for entering her before she was ready.  The failure is mine, completely.

Fizz did a much better job on all stations.   She sat while the friendly stranger approached, shook hands and talked.   The stranger left, Fizz stood, I told her to sit, and she did.   She failed, b/c she didn't maintain her sit.   I was surprised to see this 'fail' b/c she did sit the whole time we were greeting.  For greeting the stranger, in which the stranger pets the dog, she was perfectly behaved, and equally so for the grooming/foot/ear inspection.

On out for a walk, we were fine through most of the heeling pattern. Good attention, a nice right turn and a perfect sit on the halt.    In one corner, some sort of smell grabbed her nose.  She had a tight leash, I called her to come with me, she did and we finished up with a great about turn, 2 more lefts and a fantastic halt at the end.   We failed b/c of the single tight leash.   You can earn a CD leg w/ tight lose points, but you don't fail.   I find this aspect of the way CGC's are being administered absurd.  One tight leash does not an out of control dog make.   But apparently them's the rules (and I wasn't aware of their stringent nature).

Sit and down on command were fine, as was the 'stay,' and the come when called.  I even got a nice straight come with front sit (we've sort of been working on that).  :)

Crowd with distraction was fine, even though they were bouncing a giant exercise ball, I was able to keep her with me and moving on (I know she was dying to play with that ball!).  The two dogs that I 'helped' with, by being part of the crowd, did not have that ball. 

Greeting another dog.  Fizz sat, held her position and we exchanged pleasantries.   As we went to leave, Fizz crossed in front of me and we failed.   She didn't get anywhere, I had her on a very short leash, and she didn't greet the handler or dog, but the fact that she even approached = fail.

I was very happy with the improvement in Fizz's behavior/performance.   She gave me some lovely heeling on the walk, held her sits when I asked her to, and was a good girl around the other dog and the big bouncing ball.

We will not be re-attempting the CGC anytime soon.  I was unaware that I need a fully obedience trained dog to pass this test.   In the past, that is NOT how they've been administered (I've put CGCs on 6 dogs, never with a failure).  However, the standards have apparently changed, and now I clearly understand them.    I do not have the money to take CGC prep classes (they're offered around here....for $150-180).   I don't have the money to do $25/wk drop in classes to practice greeting other dogs (and not the same dogs we always see in class).  

In the past, I have tested all of my dogs between 7 and 9mos of age.  They've been judged on their temperament, their behavior and the level of control they demonstrate (to handler).   Because THAT is the standard of the CGC that I've known since I did my first one in Dec of 1996, that is why I entered Fizz in April, and now.   For April, we were ill-prepared.   For today, for the standards of testing that I've known for the past 16yrs, we were ready.   I am disappointed in myself for not understanding the rules of the game and for setting her up for failure.    We will not be attempting this again any time soon, as our heeling is not formalized, and I don't see how you can pass these days without competition ready heeling.


  1. your CGC tester obviously does NOT know the rules and intention of the test. I teach this class, I have put MANY CGCs on dogs. I KNOW this for FACT

  2. As a former CGC evaluator I am puzzled. I have re-read the rules and they have not changed in the past two years. BTW a quote from the rules. "An occassional tight leash may be premitted". The CGC should never be confused with an AKC obedience competion and the evaluator is not premitted to have " higher standards" or requirements then stated in the rules. So, any other Rottweilers passed by this tester? Breed prejudge should not be a factor, but I know from first hand experiance that being black and mahogany is sometimes the real reason the dog was not passed. This was supposed to have been a postive experiance for both dog and handler. I am sorry it was not. If someone without your experiance had this experiance it is doubtful they would ever consider doing more with AKC events.

  3. WOW I would have NEVER passed with my dogs if the standards where that tight. I thought the point of a CGC was to make sure the dog is friendly and well behaved. Since when has it become and Obedience trial?? and like you said you can get you CD with a tight leash it just knocks off points. I could see if the dog was leaping against the leash like a nut but that is just crazy that you didn't pass. So sorry. Sounds like she is really a Canine Good Citizen (note it is not Canine Advanced OB) and just needs to find a different tester...

  4. This same instructor/facility is testing again in the mid and late Fall. I am thinking that we're going to go back there in December, trained to their level of expectation, and pass this. At least I KNOW what their target is now. The first evaluator in April ALSO said "no tight leashes." Fizz DID pull a good bit in April, she did not today.

    The evaluator in April was using the dogs taking the test for the "approach the dog" exercise. I didn't like that, but she was more lenient in what she allowed for leash stuff. The dog today was a truly neutral dog, and the same dog used for all dogs being evaluated.

    We could work to find yet a 3rd evaluator, and wonder what their standards are, where they have "adjusted" the test.......or I can work to the level that I know is expected after today's test and see how we progress. :)
