Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Beginning scent discrimination work - 11 wks

Susan Garrett highly recommends video taping your session work, so that you can review it, see what really went on, and have good information for your training log.   As I worked this session, it felt like a  *huge* fail to me.   I felt like we had very few correct responses, and all she was doing was grabbing the empty 'wrong' container.   In watching, I see far more correct responses than it seemed when I was training.   I'm very thankful for having the video (even if James knocks the camera to the ground), and being able to see that it was better than it felt.

We started last night with working a series of plates, building from 1 to 5.   She did very well with that, but not so well with the plastic containers.   She kept grabbing empty containers and just settling in to chew on them.  I had her on leash last night, so she couldn't really go anywhere with them.   Today, while off-leash, we are enclosed in an ex-pen.   I did one round of plates this a.m. to warm up, and then tried to work the containers.

Some background info:  Fizz had a vet appointment yesterday and received a vaccine.   She ate little dinner last night, and even less breakfast this a.m.   B/c she's missed 2 meals, she looks rail thin, her metabolism is so high, she can't afford to be skipping meals right now.  :(   Her energy and attitude have still been good, so I don't think she's ill, though maybe a bit flat from the vaccine yesterday.   I would prefer to see a stronger search for the right container, I know she can follow a scent trail and be very focused in doing so.    After seeing how today's session went, I will wait a few days before trying this again, AND try using a different treat, perhaps something more enticing.

I've never seen her just go lie down on the floor, and she does several times in this video.   That is what makes me think she's a bit flat from the vax yesterday.

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