Saturday, December 17, 2011

A trip to Bass Pro shops

Anyone who is blessed to live in the vincinity of one of these shops knows what an incredibly fun place they are!!  And, better yet, they are extremely dog friendly.   I can think of few better places to socialize a puppy!   Being geared to the outdoor crowd, most who go there are also dog lovers.   PERFECT! :)

Visiting Bass Pro has been on my Insane Puppy Plan since I first put it together.   Couldn't wait to get there with Miss Fizz, and today was finally the day.  We spent 2 hours walking around and greeting people, easily met over 100 people.   Kids, squealing kids, kids in fur, kids in bells, and adults in every flavor you can imagine.   I think the sales staff swarmed her almost more than the general public did. :)  

If you've never been, here's our local store.  Click on the link to see a slideshow and all the amazing stuff there is to see/experience, especially as a curious puppy.   We climbed up and down the long flights of stairs several times, and also had multiple glass elevator rides.   Shopping carts were VERY exciting because they have wheels (oh for the love of wheels!).  A flat delivery cart got in the elevator with us on one trip, and she got right up on it and had a ride around.   The giant fish pond, with a very tall glass wall, was great excitement.  I pointed out a huge fish (easily larger than Fizz!) swimming slowly by and she was enraptured.   Thankfully, she did NOT try to swim in the trout stream.   While meeting a stuffed bear, she managed to steal some moss (I think I did a nice job replacing it!), and the fake snow near Santa....well, I mean it does look like Stuffie-toy fluff!

We're looking forward to our next adventure there, including walking the cranberry bog trail out back.  BPS will be an awesome place to work on heeling with distraction, scent work in the future, etc.   LOVE our new training grounds!!

Chillin' out after a few hours of meeting people, waiting in line to see Santa.

Maybe Santa will bring me a giant fish to chase!

Completely zonked after shopping (can't blame her, I despise shopping!)

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